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Dysphonia (dis-FOH-nee-ah) is any change in vocal quality, including hoarseness, weakness, or the cracking of a boy's voice during puberty (dys- means bad, .... ... include any impairment in vocal quality, including hoarseness, weakness, or the cracking of a boy's voice during puberty (dys- means bad, phon means sound .... Assessment of the functions of vocal behavior in children with developmental disabilities: A replication. Journal of ... King, B. tinguishing between aphasia, apraxia, and dys - (2007). ... Early language acquisition: Cracking the speech code.. ... Dysphonia (dis-FOH-nee-ah) is any change in vocal quality, including hoarseness, weakness, or the cracking of a boy's voice during puberty (dys- means bad, .... ... include any impairment in vocal quality, including hoarseness, weakness, or the cracking of a boy's voice during puberty (dys- means bad, phon means sound ... 624b518f5d